Sunday, January 6, 2013

Youtube CENSORS "Jigaboo - The Obama Song," Allows the Nigger Word by All Black Artists

Newswire.  Los Angeles - In what has now become the most contrived attempt to try and CENSOR the freedom of speech by FRAUD Filmmaker Brent Bateman's exposure of the Usurper-In-Thief Barack Hussein Obama, Obama's good butt buddies over at Youtube, the communist shill of the Obama Cult, has removed Bateman's HOT Single "Jigaboo - The Obama Song," and is now calling it HATE SPEECH.

"Youtube and 100% of the treasonous media in the United States are disgraceful.  There are hundreds of thousands of Youtube videos of black rappers and singers yelling nigger this and nigger that, spewing hatred, and verbally assaulting each other over microphones, and Youtube does not censor those videos, nor do they take them down from their site for "hate speech," and then they label my song "Jigaboo - The Obama Song," as hate speech, while all these black rappers yell nigger every other sentence in these grotesque audio clips disguised as songs or rap.  It's sickening, and I'm here to tell the world that the double standard is over." Bateman barks.

"The double standard in this country regarding racism is over.  What every single human being better learn and learn quick, is that racism works 360 degrees, 24-hours a day.  Racism is not only for whites, it's for blacks, it's for Mexicans, it's for Asians, it's for native Americana's, it's for everyone.  How we choose to deal with racism is what defines us."  Bateman says as he hands me a copy of his new single "Jigaboo - The Obama Song," and pushes me out of his hotel room.

Get "Jigaboo - The Obama Song" NOW @ I-Tunes/Google Play/Amazon  
Download @ 

By:  Brian Ross in Las Vegas

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