Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Obama Cult Goes Shopping

Newswire.  Los Angeles - As the criminal and treasonous United States congress and every single Secretary of State continue to participate in the biggest treasonous FRAUD ever committed in the history of the world, by staging the fake and treasonous reelection of a filthy muslim born in a village in Kenya, the filthy Barack Hussein Obama Cult was out in full force this Black Friday of 2012.   And by black,  just wait until you see the primate monkeys in what has now become a youtube sensation overnight.

I can guarantee you that every one of these sickening sheeple in the video, including the person who shot it and uploaded it, voted for the treasonous Usurper occupying the White House illegally. Not only is this shameful to look at, but I almost puked the first time, stared in amazement the second time, identified that the entire mob of primates who voted for a filthy illegal muslim murderer and are proud of it the third time, and then laughed my ass off the forth time until I could not stop.

Sending out an S.O.S.  Can you hear me America?   Oh wait...I got my new I-Phone right here...I can hear you loud and clear.

By:  Brent Bateman 


  1. a disgusting fucking display of america and look at all those fucking niggers looking like apes.

  2. mitt romney lost the election on purpose because the fucking kike jews are a bunch of fucking faggot murdereer frauds who will all die soon.

    Please IRAN blow the fuck-up out of Israel.

  3. jews own the media and the white hosue.

  4. jesus was not a jew.

  5. i love obama. what is this Abot all the jews.

  6. Hillary Clinton is a cunt dyke murderer also
