In fact, Bill Clinton ran the largest cocaine operation in the United States of America from a small little air strip in Mena, Arkansas. Really...It's all here in the following clips for the whole world to see and learn about. Oh....And all you racist and ignorant BLACKS out there, Bill and Hillary Clinton had RON BROWN murdered in that PLANE CRASH, and they also MURDERED VINCENT FOSTER. In by that I mean, they ordered these people MURDERED via their MURDER-syndicate and then along with the BUSH FAMILY murder-syndicate; the CIA, and because of Clinton's drug dealing and all the money he stole from the State of Arkansas via his Governorship, BILL and HILL had enough BLOOD MONEY to play at the assassin-ous CIA table. Bill Clinton was PERFECT, thus why they sold this murderer off as the FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT before Ovomit was given his crown of darkness. This has all been staged long long ago, and now their game is OVER.
GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"These are a few of the MURDEROUS COMMUNISTS who have hijacked America, its 100% of it's state and federal courts courts, and its entire state and federal congresses. Enough is Enough!! It's time to MARCH on Washington DC with LOADED GUNS per the Untied States Constitution of America. We need to BAND TOGETHER every single state Militia and together plan a day over the Internet, and then on that chosen day, 50 MILLION GUN OWNERS MARCH on the CAPITAL of the United States CAPITOL BUILDING. We have this right under the REAL CONSTITUTION of the United States of America, trust me. I know the REAL CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS OF THIS LAND better than these murderous assassin communists, and I have WON, and they know it, including the murderous assassin and mass murders JOHN BRENNAN, the BUSH CLAN, the CLINTON CLAN, and all their pig fuckers who have played along with their charades, they will all face justice soon enough, including the grotesque and treason 96% of the United States and WORLD MEDIA " Bateman says as he grabs a taxi on the Vegas strip.
By: Frainlin T. Benjamin in Las Vegas
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